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Restore self Health, Nobelsugars, Mannose & Fucose therapy, Vitaminoid sugars, Abnormal Intestinal Flora, Human Genome, Genetic Control System, Therapy of Obesity, Mannose Therapy at a Diabetes Mellitus,7 Rules for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus




It is a personal site by Professor Ivan P. Chepurnoy

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Vitaminoid Nobelsugars

I first established in 1993 year, that mannose, fucose, ribose, 2-deoxiribose, arabinose, xylose and other sugars are the irreplaceable factors of human life and they should necessarily be present in human nutrition. The absence of these substances in nutrition promotes creation of such diseases as obesity, diabetes mellitus, cancer, cardiovascular, immune diseases and many other.

Thus, in 1993 year I discovered new group of irreplaceable components in human nutrition such as vitamins and disadvantage which results in diseases. More...


Abnormal intestinal flora and the reason of its formation

1. Normal microflora of intestine

2. What functions are carried out with normal and abnormal microflora of thick intestine in human organism?

3. How is formed the microflora in thick intestine at the child?

4. What causes formation of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

5. How to diagnose of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

6. What diseases are connected with abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

7. How can be carried out elimination of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

8. What to do, that abnormal intestine microflora at the child was not? More...

New Pathways of Mannose & Fucose Therapy

FIRST, the fucose therapy has everyone baby using female milk of healthy mothers.

SECONDARY, the mannose therapy has everyone man using cellular-containing food with correct gastrointestinal tract. More....

A Basis of New Way Therapy of Obesity

From the received own data on biochemical impairment of the carbohydrate metabolism in patients with obesity and features of functioning of a genetic control system the organism and literary data it is possible to offer the following scheme of restoration the metabolism of carbohydrates.

1. To normalize structure of carbohydrates in nutrition of patients up to norm according to the theory of the balanced foodstuffs, which is up to parity: 4 parts of carbohydrates, 2 parts of fats and 1 part proteins.

2.Foods should be safe, should not contain pathogenic microorganisms and not promoting occurrence of allergic reactions(peanut, egg, milk, gluten, tree nuts, soya, fish, crustacea, sesame).

3. To enter in nutrition of the patients with obesity of a food with the contents of mannose, fucose or polysaccharides on their basis up to 50 - 100 g into day.

4. For normalization of metabolic processes to support such level of carbohydrates in nutrition during a long period before the following genetic transition. During the next genetic transition necessitate to supervise the contents of mannose in blood of the patient with obesity and fucose in structure mucopolysaccharides of a saliva.

5. For normalisation of biochemical processes in intestinal tract be necessary entered the bifidobacteria 1-2 time in week for 30 min before reception of foods.

6. With the following genetic transition, at the expense of normalization of biochemical processes to translate of energy reserve in organism from a adipose tissue to cell's glycogen. More ...

Mannose Therapy at a Diabetes Mellitus

From the received own data on biochemical impairment of the carbohydrate metabolism in patients with diabetes mellitus and features of functioning of a genetic control system the organism and literary data it is possible to offer the following scheme of restoration the metabolism of carbohydrates.

1. To normalize structure of carbohydrates in nutrition of patients up to norm according to the theory of the balanced foodstuffs, which is up to parity: 4 parts of carbohydrates, 1,5-2 parts of fats and 1 part proteins.

2. Foods should be safe, should not contain pathogenic microorganisms and not promoting occurrence of allergic reactions(peanut, egg, milk, gluten, tree nuts, soya, fish, crustacea, sesame).

3. To enter in nutrition of the patients with diabetes mellitus of the food with the contents of mannose, fucose or hemicellulose on their basis up to 50 - 100 g into day.

4. To enter in nutrition of the patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus peroral 2 time in day 150 mg D-mannose through 30-40 min from reception of foods.

5. For normalisation of biochemical processes in intestinal tract be necessary entered the bifidobacteria 1-2 time in week for 30 min before reception of foods.

6. For normalization of metabolic processes to support such level of carbohydrates in nutrition during a long period before the following genetic transition. During the next genetic transition necessitate to supervise the contents of mannose in blood of the patient with diabetes mellitus and fucose in structure mucopolysaccharides of the saliva. More ...

7 Rules for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Laws of formation and development of mankind on the Earth.

1. The person is born and lives on the Earth to develop, alongside with usual energy, the spiritual energy being base energy of development of all Universe.

2. The Human can be formed only in the environment to itself similar, since infantile years. Break-off the human from a society results in a suspension of his development, in comparison with development of all society.

3. The mankind with each generation improves the environment of the dwelling and itself becomes more and more accomplished and advanced, in comparison with the previous generations.

4. For the further self-improvement and self-development the mankind should use 7 basic trues: the peace, kindly, love, health, happiness, pleasure of a life and longevity. More....


1. I for the first time reveal new laws in functioning genetic system in human organism. The human organism develops not chaotically, but in strict conformity with the incorporated genetic program which provides presence of the certain system of the genetic periods. Presence of the genetic periods on which develops human organism allows each person to pass the same periods of the development from infancy till an old age (6,7).

2. I also for the first time establish influence of genetic transitions and half period on formation and development of diseases that allows to look absolutely on another at the reason of occurrence of various diseases.

3. The laws revealed by me allow to approach essentially on another to questions of preventive maintenance and elimination of infringements in exchange processes of human organism at those or other diseases. More...

8 Postulates Functioning of Human Genome

I, professor I.P.Chepurnoy, on the basis of knowledge of management of biochemical processes in human organism develop postulates of functioning as human genome, and other the highest eukaryotic organisms. This new theory of functioning of genetics of the highest organisms allows to explain all available knowledge of mankind in this area. Besides it allows to predict directions of the further researches in this area and to expect the future results.

I offer you the postulates of the theory of genome functioning and brief explanations of each postulate. At studying these postulates you will see, that existing concepts concerning of human genome functioning are only the first point of my theory.

I shall be very glad to receive from you your remarks and offers under this theory. It becomes from it only better. More...

Home | | | |
Vitaminoid Nobelsugars
Abnormal intestinal flora and the reason of its formation
New Pathways of Mannose & Fucose Therapy
A Basis of New Way Therapy of Obesity
Mannose Therapy at a Diabetes Mellitus
Laws of formation and development of mankind on the Earth.
7 Rules for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
8 Postulates Functioning of Human Genome
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