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Laws of formation and development of mankind

Laws of formation and development of mankind on the Earth

1. The law of formation of energy of the person, mankind and the Universe

2. The law of dialogue and transfer of the information

3. The law of self-improvement and self-development.

4. Universal trues

1. The person is born and lives on the Earth to develop, alongside with usual energy, the spiritual energy being base energy of development of all Universe.

Usual energy which the human develops at combustion of food, is used for maintenance of temperature of his body, course of other biochemical processes as well as in all other warm-blooded animals.

At the same time in human organism, as against other warm-blooded animals, is developed also spiritual energy which forms spirituality of the person . This spiritual energy allows the person to create on the Earth, to create works of art, to comprehend a science, to like. The spiritual energy of each person is constantly developed by an organism, the part from which remains to the person, and the part is transfer in the general box in which contains spiritual energy of our Universe.

On our Universe are capable only people living on the Earth to develop spiritual energy. Forming the general energy of mankind, due to the contribution of each of living on the Earth, only people are capable to form energy for development of the Universe.

2. The Human can be formed only in the environment to itself similar, since infantile years. Break-off the human from a society results in a suspension of his development, in comparison with development of all society.

We know many examples when people, for whatever reasons, separated from mankind, remained at that stage of development on which they have stopped communication with mankind. It's and Maugli , it and Likovi and many others.

It, and many other things confirms, that the human can be formed and develop as the person only in the environment to itself similar. Thus, receiving the information from other people, processing it and transferring its other people, the person constantly is in a stream of the information, going to him or from him. Only in dialogue and an exchange of the information the person is capable to develop.

3. The mankind with each generation improves the environment of the dwelling and itself becomes more and more accomplished and advanced, in comparison with the previous generations.

Any other animal essence, except for the human, lives centuries, not changing the environment of the dwelling. So, the dolphin, floating in the sea and ocean, does not change the environment of the dwelling, using only that that is given with the nature and the human.

The usual cow is grazed by centuries on a meadow, eating the same grass, nothing changing around if the human will not change environment of its dwelling.

Only the human, meaningly changes the environment of the dwelling, constantly being improved.

If we shall look, in what conditions lived in a youth our grandfathers and grandmothers , what subjects of use of them surrounded, they used what means of dialogue, we at once shall note, that for this period the mankind in self-improvement and self-development has promoted far enough. Even more strikingly differs conditions of residing of mankind in Middle Ages in comparison with present .

Thus, does not cause doubts, that the mankind in the development goes in the certain direction, instead of chaotically (see. a Fig. 1).

4. For the further self-improvement and self-development the mankind should use 7 basic trues: the peace, kindly, love, health, happiness, pleasure of a life and longevity.

The Peace

is necessary for mankind for the survival as, having saved up during the self-defense of mountain of the weapon which is capable to destroy all mankind on the Earth some minutes. The Human understands, that only in peace he is capable to survive among others.

The person should create


as to live in harm to him already has bothered. In the millennia the human lived in harm, destroying and suppressing the life of other person. The mankind, for the period of the development has passed both through slaveholding, and through fascism and through communism (all these stages of the same condition - suppression of one person by another). Having checked up all these stages of evil on the skin, the mankind should turn from suppression of other person by different ways to creation of goods for other person.

The love

is given to the human, as against other animals, not only for continuation self kind but that he was capable to love all world, all environment and to create only with love.

The health

is given to the human that he could be pleased and enjoy the life self and please others. Within millennia to us approved, that illnesses are given to the person for his sins. But in fact the human is not born on the Earth, that all life be sick. In fact the sick organism develops only unhealthy energy which can be used only for construction of a unhealthy society. Therefore the human should aspire to support health in the body.

We always speak - " in a sound body and a sound mind ". And then it turns out, that in a sick body is a sick mind. Therefore, the spiritual energy, which are developing the human, must will a positive, for it is necessary, that human body was always healthy.

The happiness

is given to the person that he was always happy, was pleased itself and pleased other people. Certainly, if the person is sick, about what happiness there can be a speech. Therefore the healthy person, bearing to people love and accordingly receiving love mutually can always be happy only.

To us within last millennia repeated, that the misfortune is given to the person for his sins. No! The person has appeared on the Earth not to be unfortunate together with other people. The Supreme created the human, what he will live in happiness and pleasure and to share the happiness and pleasure with others.

The pleasure of the life

arises at the person from first days of his life. He is pleased to mum who feeds him; he is pleased to the sun which warms him; he is pleased a grass which feeds him; he is pleased to all and all. In fact he has come on the Earth for pleasure and celebrations of the life.

To be pleased lives it's a general objective of all human life. Certainly be pleased lives can only the healthy person . Of what pleasure can think the sick person ? Whether he will live till next day, week, month, year! But it is pleasure of the sick person, what aspiring all to stretch still some time for the Earth.


depends on a state of health in human organism. The the person will longer support health in the organism, the longer he will live in happiness and pleasure on the Earth. Certainly, health in the organism with the help of tablets you will not forming, as the body is not building cells from their components.

For maintenance of health in human organism it is necessary to conduct a healthy way of life and a nutrition. (In more detail about it you can read in my books on the same site).

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