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7 Rules for Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

So, we shall start to study.

The first Rule of the diabetic!!!

To use during the life, as a rule, only one insulin. It was easier earlier, all firms let out only pork insulin and all depend only on a degree of its clearing. On such insulin the diabetic could live till 50 years.

Now went on the microbial insulin. Basically it make from genetically modified e. coli. This or that firm uses the strain of the microorganisms. On this insulin the diabetics, under the statement the chairman of Faculty Stavropol State Medical Academie senior lecturer Aleksandrovich, patients live till 12 years.

Though it name human, but it only advertising dodge. Anybody from a human pancreas does not develop insulin.

As insulin is a hormone at transition to other insulin produced by another strain of microorganisms, will differ and there will be a hormonal infringement. It is shown in rise in temperature of a body (the immune system of the patient works), infringement of a carbohydrate exchange and an output in hyperglycemia and disadjusting a level of glucose in blood.

Therefore try to support the organism in a stable condition, instead of destabilize it. Though many will prove you the opposite, do not trust!!!

This first and main rule for the diabetic.

Recently was on wedding of the ward of the patient by the diabetes of 1 type. It was ill in 13 years, since 22 years began to pass to my technology. For 2 years has completely removed all by-effects, microangiophaty, weariness, catarrhal diseases, etc.

And when has looked at him during wedding it looked much more fresh brides who is considered not the patient.

For these two years he became the normal healthy person, the truth still pins up insulin, but in the future it we look with optimism.

Correctly here notice, that the person himself has generated at itself for a long time this or that disease and only an organism of the patient all this can restore up to a healthy condition.

To cure the diabetes it is impossible, and to restore the healthy condition of the organism it is possible!!!

Here again the most important to feel the organism. In fact is better nobody than you it knows.

And still the most important. Long hyperglycemia it is easily restored after the use liquorice or D-mannose.

It checked in the Stavropol regional hospital on management senior lecturer Aleksandrovich.

The second Rule

The level of glucose in blood of the healthy person makes 4,5 - 6,0 mmol/L.

The patient with the diabetes mellitus should support the level of glucose in blood in a range 5,5 - 7,5.

You see, that the patient with the diabetes should have little bit raised level of glucose. Why it must be raised, instead of lowered?

First, the raised level even for the healthy person is norm within the first hour after reception of food. Therefore little bit raised level of glucose not harmful to our organism.

Second, little bit raised level of glucose stimulates development in the organism of sick own insulin. In fact in day it is necessary for an organism about 50 - 60 insulin. If you enter 25 insulin, but other quantity is developed with own pancreas.

At overdose of insulin and maintenance of the level of glucose less than 4,5 mmol/L, you suppress work of own beta-cells. In the organism insulin already is, therefore the organism reduces development of own insulin. As a result of such suppression of functioning of own beta-cells by overdose exogenous insulin at you proceeds obsolete these beta-cells and your organism will need to enter already big doze of insulin.

Thus, little bit raised level of glucose stimulates work of own beta-cells,

The lowered level of the glucose "which have been "knocked down" by overdose for a long time results in decrease in development of own insulin and increase of the doze exogenous insulin.

The third Rule

It is necessary to support a condition of the organism in the stable condition.

If you had "failure" in regulation of the level of glucose in the organism, in the beginning find out for itself, why there was this failure and try to not suppose in further of similar "failures". Thus to leave the condition big hyperglycemia (more than 15 mmol/L) it is necessary slowly. It is impossible to enter at once the big dozes of insulin, that from hyperglycemia quickly to not create at itself hypoglycemia (less than 3,5 mmol/L), that is it is not necessary to shake the organism. At lower values of the level of glucose usually at patients there comes a coma, that is the main consumer of glucose - a brain is disconnected.

Therefore it is necessary at high hyperglycemia in the beginning to lower a level of glucose up to 7 - 9 mmol/L, to sustain such level two days, and then further gradually to reduce the level of glucose in blood already up to norm.

Thus in no event it is impossible to panic and create at itself a stressful situation as at stress even at the healthy person the level of glucose in blood sharply raises. At sick diabetics the stress also raises the level of glucose in blood, and the output from a stressful situation will result in decrease in glucose. If you determine at yourselves the raised level of sugar in blood during stress, will enter in addition insulin, and the organism will start to leave from the condition of stress that at you comes in hypoglycemia.

Thus, the patient with the diabetes mellitus should supervised itself and under any conditions to not panic and to stress to not give in.

The fourth Rule

At each reception of food you should observe the following parity of the basic components of food 4:2:1. That is 50-55 % from all diet should make carbohydrates, 30 % fats and 15-20 % proteins. And you must not use a saccharine. You at once are surprised to such message, however let's understand.

When for the first time in the beginning of 20 centuries have started to reveal a diabetes the first reaction at doctors was following - completely to forbid to use carbohydrates for the sick diabetes. However without sugars patients for a long time did not live. Then doctors began to allow to use only polysaccharide-containing food (basically starch-containing). Patients began to live longer, but all the same they have concomitant diseases (from immune up to cardiovascular).

Therefore recently more and more doctors recommend to use anyone carbohydrate-containing foods (even honey), but with obligatory indemnification insulin (so-called intensified insulin-therapy).

Thus, doctors from a full interdiction in due course came to full freedom of the use of carbohydrates.

And why it is impossible to refuse these sugars and then it will be absolutely not necessary to prick insulin completely?

Yes because glucose is the basic substance which is used as for work head, and works of muscles. Therefore, when instead of the carbohydrates you eat more proteins, your organism from proteins all the same synthesizes glucose. In fact muscles should work, and the head to think!!! But when from proteins (meat, milk, eggs, etc.) your organism synthesizes glucose this metabolic way is very long and a multiphase and is much formed concomitant substances. These substances get in kidneys - at you are blocked a filtering surface of kidneys and is formed renal insufficiency. Besides glucose formed on this long way does not give peak loadings and not always works the mechanism secretion of insulin. Therefore can occur so, that the level of glucose in blood increases slowly and in the patient is formed hyperglycemia which cannot adjust the organism due to own insulin.

The fifth Rule

The gastro-intestinal tract should work as hours and without fetid "exhaust".

On 100 cells bifidobacteria in thick intestines should is necessary 1 bacterium of the e.coli and 1 bacterium of other kinds . In this case bifidobacteria are capable to suppress development of other pathogenic microorganisms. If this parity is broken and on 50 cells Bifidobacteria have 50 cells e.coli and more and besides other kinds (for example, pyocyanic stick) at you instead of processes fermentation of sugars and allocation of carbonic gas has processes of decomposition of proteins start to proceed with the advent of hydrogen sulphide (a smell of rotten eggs), mercaptans, disulphides, indole and skatole are necessary. A part of these substances are allocated from anal apertures, and the most part is soaked up in the organism and acts in a liver. Our liver is not adapted to work yet with such substances and they are allocated from an organism together with a sweat. There is a unpleasant smell under axillas, between fingers of legs, at worst there is a unpleasant smell of all body and from a mouth. If you have such smell from the organism, means at you instead of processes fermentation of sugars in thick intestines there is a rotting albumens. It happens and at the big overload of the gastro-intestinal tract a proteins food.

Thus, you can control work the gastro-intestinal tract, and work of all organism. Try to support normal balance of microorganisms of thick intestines and to not support processes of rotting in the organism. In fact from rotten stuff of anything good to create it is impossible.

The sixth Rule

The more at you the metabolism, the is broken more often and in regular more intervals there should be a receipt of nutritious components.

For the healthy person with a normal metabolism it is possible to eat and two times in day. In this case within first three hours the organism works on the acted components, but surplus postpones in a stock and then, through three hours your organism it starts to work already on this stock.

At the patients, especially suffering the adiposity, in the lowered weight of the organism, normal processes of the metabolism are broken. Therefore it is necessary to aspire to not postpone, on the one hand, surplus in the stock, and on the other hand, to not use a reserve stock of the organism.

Therefore for patients with the diabetes are optimal a six-single (five-single) nutrition.

Each reception food should pass in 3-3,5 hours after previous, thus distribution BU also should be uniform (for example, the first breakfast 3BU 7:30, the second breakfast - 2BU 10:30, a dinner-3BU 13:00, a mid-morning snack-2BU 15:00, a supper-3BU 18:30, the second supper-2BU 21:30-22:00).

In this case the gastro-intestinal tract works without overloads and receipt of nutrients in the organism (including glucose) also occurs without overloads. The more stably and without overloads your organism will work, the more stably and better you will feel yourselves and on the contrary, the you will subject the big overloads the organism, the more failures will be in your organism.

The seventh Rule

Certainly for many it seems truism, but you should understand for yourselves, that performance of these truisms is necessary for your health. While you are in a stage of blocking of the diabetes mellitus, this one condition. When you will leave from this condition and will start to move aside restoration - these trues are necessary for observing strictly.

Well and now I speak about the most important.

The level of glucose in blood of the healthy person is adjusted with the help of other sugar - D-mannose. Its maintenance in blood of the healthy person makes 10-15 mg %. Earlier, up to primitive automatic definitions of glucose in blood, always at patients with the diabetes mellitus defined the general sugar and the glucose. And parameters of the general sugar always it is more, than the glucose. A difference others of sugar of blood (except the glucose), including mannose, fucose, arabinose and also make others of sugar. Now certainly about it do not speak also anybody them does not define. Though in the scientific literature there are clauses about definition both in blood and in urine of other sugars.

After meal when the level of glucose in blood begins to raise, alongside with its deposit as polysaccharide glycogen, there is a small synthesis of the mannose from glucose. Increase mannose in blood results the maintenance in increase in emission of insulin from beta-cells of the pancreas.

Thus, entering of the mannose in 30-40 minutes after meal you stimulate is artificial this process of emission of insulin from beta-cells.

Really, and it is checked up in clinical conditions both my post-graduate students and interns, that in two day, after the beginning of reception of the mannose at the majority of patients the need of entered insulin on 25-30 % is reduced. About it I have made the message on 1 the diabetological congress in Moscow.

Many doctors at once declare me, as they can lower for short time need in exogenous insulin. However this need is kept during the long period (2 - 5 years) at introduction of the mannose in very small quantities.

Scientists from the USA enter the mannose in the patient in quantities of weight of the body of 250-500 mg/kg and as a result overdoses receive boomerang effects, but it is necessary to enter only 150-300 mg / for one reception and no more than 1 g into day and during strictly certain time. You should enter the mannose into a unison with the natural biochemical processes proceeding in your organism.

One patient, not having heard up to the end advice of the doctor, was enter mannose for half an hour up to meal and has not received desirable effect even within a month and only after began to enter mannose in time, for the second day he has hypoglycemia because of overdose of insulin.

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