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Abnormal intestinal flora, mannose, Bifidobacteria

Abnormal intestinal flora and the reason of its formation

1. Normal microflora of intestine

2. What functions are carried out with normal and abnormal microflora of thick intestine in human organism?

3. How is formed the microflora in thick intestine at the child?

4. What causes formation of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

5. How to diagnose of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

6. What diseases are connected with abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

7. How can be carried out elimination of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

8. What to do, that abnormal intestine microflora at the child was not?

Abnormal intestinal flora - the first disease in human organism as a result of which further all others are formed also, and till now is an actual problem of modern medicine. According to Russian Academy of Medical Science almost 90 % of the population of Russia have those or other displays of abnormal intestinal flora. Therefore from the screen of the TV to us offer the fast decision of this problem with the help of medical products.

However about the reasons of formation abnormal intestinal flora among doctors till now is not present oneness and the general concept: one doctors count its secondary infringement at those or other diseases and consequently it do not treat; other doctors, finding out infringements ecology intestines at a lot of pathological conditions, feature to it as to one of the significant reasons of development of this or that disease, and try to treat first of all; the third try on a condition abnormal intestinal flora to diagnose those or other diseases. Therefore we shall consider from the point of view of classical biochemistry, and forasmuch I have myself patents in this area(instead of primitive representations), as we shall study in detail the reasons of formation abnormal flora in thick intestine and a way of restoration the ecology intestine.

The general representation about abnormal intestine flora

Abnormal intestine flora (a syndrome of superfluous growth of intestinal microflora; infringement colonization resistance etc.) is quantitative and/or qualitative changes of structure of normal intestinal microflora and, first of all, thick intestine.

Abnormal intestine flora in turn can result to a abnormal microflora in urinogenital path, a vagina, a surface of a skin between legs.

The prefix ab specifies to us opposite value of concept of normal microflora in the healthy person.

Normal microflora of intestine

The general biomass of microbic cells in a gastroenteric path of the adult person averages 3-4 kg. In a gastroenteric path lives about 450 kinds of microorganisms, and the total quantity of them reaches to cells.

The microflora of intestine carries out many functions on processing, digestion, hydrolysis as food stuffs, and the substances deduced from human organism (overage cells). As a result of the ability to live various microorganisms are in symbiosis with each other at digestion of this or that food or deduced substances.

In spite of the fact that doctors try to subdivide it on protective, saprophyte and conditional - pathogenic microorganisms living in intestine a bacteria, carry out, first of all, the main problem - digestion of food. From what substances contained in food stuffs, will get to them and will depend, what microorganisms will be colonized in plenties and what will be oppressed because of from absence of a feed for their development.

It would seem, this truism for any microbiologist, for doctors is a secret and is not considered at all. They consider, that microorganisms can develop in themselves without taking into account food stuffs.

The microflora of intestine consists from: microflora of thin intestine, microflora of an appendix and microflora of thick intestine.

The microflora of thin intestine represents an insignificant part of all balance of the microorganisms living in intestine of the person. Basically it is submitted in distal to a part ileum in quantities about 1000.000 cells that makes one hundred million a part of total of the microorganisms living in intestine of the person. Thus half from these microorganisms is a share bacteroids and Bifidus bacteria (B. bifidus). At the same time in proximal a department of thin intestine microorganisms either are absent, or present in little quantities and disappear after passage to gobbet.

In thin intestine process of food digestion occurs basically for the account enzymatic processes, thus all enzymes are synthesized by cells of the most in thin intestine. As a result of these enzymatic processes hydrolized high-molecular connections break up on simple and are on the spot soaked up by walls of thin intestine. So, for example, disaccharide lactose of the cow milk is decomposed by enzyme lactase to two sugars - glucose and galactose and they are on the spot soaked up in blood. Saccharose is decomposed by enzyme saccharase to two sugars - glucose and fructose and they are already soaked up in blood. Maltose and other products of disintegration of the starch contained in food, are decomposed amilase to two or more molecules of glucose.

As we see, in thin intestine proceed, first of all, enzymatic processes of decomposition of components of food and then, all this is soaked up.

The microflora of an appendix is investigated insufficiently. As was considered earlier, that the appendix is a rudiment unnecessary our organism it deleted at the first opportunity. However by our researches it is shown, that the appendix plays very important role in maintenance of normal microflora of thick intestine. In the appendix of human organism postpones bifido-active carbohydrates on which further and are colonized the microorganisms. If in an appendix will be present at plenties bifido-active polysaccharides on them will develop Bifidus bacteria which further and will be entered in a blind gut department of thick intestine. If in human nutrition are absent bifido-active carbohydrates in an appendix instead of formation of normal microflora, what fermentative of sugar, as will develop the abnormal microflora that will eat protein that will result in formation of putrefactive processes. Long course of putrefactive processes in the appendix will result in an inflammation of the appendix and formation of appendicitis.

Thus the appendix represents as though "fermentor" in which this or that microflora is colonized and which then is entered in thick intestine.

In thick intestine basically simple nutrients do not act, as all of them are soaked up in thin intestine. Only bad digest components of food (cellulose; hemicellulose; mucopolysaccharide, selected with walls of intestines; the fulfilled parts of cells selected from human organism through clasters). The part from these components is postponed in the appendix where on them will be colonized by B. bacteria and bacteroids (many know that in the appendix collect just seeds of plants, a peel from sunflower and other hard to digest components of food containing the hemicellulose).

In this department of intestine there are, first of all, the microbiological processes connected to ability to live of microorganisms. Depending on those what the person eats, on how many these components are soaked up in thin intestine, and what the rests get in thick intestine, those or other microorganisms will are colonized. In spite of the fact that at thick intestine there are various kinds of microorganisms, at normal nutrition will are colonized only normal microflora, and others will are in a dejectedness.

The microorganisms making a basis of microflora of thick intestine of the healthy person, are submitted anaerobe Bifidus bacteria (100.000.000 - cells) and lactobacteria (1000.000 - 100.000.000), and also aerobe - by E. coli with normal enzymatic properties (10.000.000 - 100.000.000). These microorganisms provide colonization resistance - stability of normal microflora and prevent colonization in thick intestine of the human organism by extraneous microorganisms.

Thus, at the healthy person the normal microflora is submitted in the ratio in the simplified kind (if we shall reduce a part of zeros): on 100 cells Bifidus bacteria in thick intestine should be 1 cell lactobacteria, 1-10 cells of the E. coli, 1 cell of other microorganisms. This optimum quantitative and qualitative proportion of microorganisms in thick intestine at the person should be observed strictly.

As we see, predominating position in this proportion occupy the Bifidus bacteria which determine normality of micro-ecology thick intestine at all stages of development of human organism, starting from chest feeding. And this proportion also is norm for the person. This symbiosis of microorganisms is stable enough and does not suppose to develop to other microorganisms in thick intestine. Sometimes this symbiosis name the protective microflora as it really does not allow to develop to other microorganisms and thus protects thick intestine from colonization of other microorganisms.

The protective microflora is one of forms of the general protective system of human organism at a level of the gastroenteric path, that including also: a mucous membrane of intestines and presence of Immunoglobulin A; lymphoid tissue environmental the appendix; the appendix. For children in the age of till 1 year, eating chest milk, this proportion also should be observed. In female milk specially for B. bacteria contains various fucose-containing oligosaccharides in quantity of 10-15 % from the sum of sugars. These bifido-active sugars just also are synthesized by a female organism for a feed of Bifidus in thick intestine at the child. Sometimes doctors, not understanding process of hydrolyze of lactose in thin intestine, appoint to chest children preparations from lactobacillus. But you see lactobacillus can develop only in thick intestine, and there lactose of chest milk does not get, as we have found out earlier, it is soaked up already in thin intestines. In result at the baby it is formed abnormal gastrointestinal flora caused by incompetence of the doctor. At the child begin colics, it cries from the wild pains connected with colonization of the abnormal microflora.

The normal microflora which is formed at a nutrition of the child by the chest milk, that containing bifido-active oligosaccharides, further is supported in a normal condition at consumption and further bifido-active oligosaccharides, but already that contained in foodstuff. So, to 4-5 to month of life of the child to him start to enter bifido-active oligosaccharides as carrots juice with pulp, apple juice with pulp, pulped the baked apple and so on more and more. Further, at lack of chest milk of him start to feed up children's dairy mixes with rice, buckwheat and others, that containing bifido-active oligosaccharides. It allows to support normal microflora of thick intestine of the child.

Thus, we have found out for ourselves, that for maintenance of normal microflora in thick intestine in food should contain, first of all, the bifido-active carbohydrates necessary for colonization in thick intestine B. bacteria.

What is bifido-active oligosaccharides and where they contain? Apparently from the concept, to the bifido-active carbohydrates refer capable hydrolize by enzymes of microbic cell B. bacteria and that may eat by cells of B. bifidus. Usually B. bacteria well hydrolyze such saccharides, as mannane, glycomannane, galactomannane, glycogalactomannane, arabanomannane, xylomannane, fucoidane, xylane and also others heteropolysaccharides, containing of mannose and fucose, excluding starch and cellulose. These oligosaccharides accumulate, first of all, in vegetative cells of many plants, and also in cells of a liver of many animals. At digestion of sugars by microbic cells as we know, is formed a carbonic gas and alcohol.

At the same time there is foodstuff which do not contain of the bifido-active oligosaccharides, or contain them in very small quantities. This is cow milk and products from it (oil creamy, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream etc.), a flour wheaten the premiums and products from it, flour confectionery products, sweets, caramel and some other. At the use of such products in nutrition it is necessary to compensate lack of these oligosaccharides due to introduction of products, their containing. That, by the way, it is wide applied. So in children's dairy mixes for artificial feeding since the first days of life added various bifido-active oligosaccharides. Also in dairy products added natural fruits or vegetables, in flour products entered jam from apples, pears, apricots etc.

At absence bifido-active oligosaccharides in the food consumed by the person, start to be oppressed B. bacteria in thick intestine and to develop other microorganisms for which are not necessary sugars. The following component after sugars on which microorganisms in thick intestine can develop, are the protein. As a result of decomposition of protein by microorganisms carbonic gas and alcohol is not formed any more, but formed any phenolic substances (indole and skatole), the substances having a unpleasant smell that consist from hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, disulfides. Many collided with such smells when to spoil an egg, decays meat, cabbage etc. Thus, accumulation of products of protein decomposition specifies to us that in thick intestine are not colonized B. bacteria, but other microorganisms start to develop and to be broken an optimum ratio microorganism and arises to formation the abnormal intestine microflora.

The abnormal intestine microflora, depending on change of optimum quantitative and qualitative ratio of microorganisms it is possible to subdivide into the following kinds: initial, generated, deep, full.

Initial abnormal intestine microflora it is characterized by the following ratio of the basic microorganisms: B. bifidus from 80 up to 50 bacteria, lactobacillus 5-15, E. coli, E. freundi 20-30.

Generated abnormal intestine microflora it is possible to determine on the following ratio: B. bifidus 50-30 bacteria, lactobacillus 15-35, other microorganisms more than 50.

Deep abnormal intestine microflora it is possible to reveal on the following parameters: B. bifidus make only 30-10 bacteria, lactobacillus 50 and more and other microorganisms make more than 50 cells.

Full abnormal microflora very much it is frequently found out in patients with AIDS, or after long reception of antibiotics on the following parameters: B. bifidus make only 5 - 0 bacteria, lactobacillus less than 50, and other microorganisms make more than 50 from all quantity of microorganisms.

Except for the basic microorganisms which we have considered above, in thick intestine of the person has other microorganisms which can be subdivided into two groups: saprophyte and conditional - pathogenic.

The saprophyte microflora of thick intestine basically is submitted epidermal and saprophyte Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Neisseria, yeasts and other microorganisms which at a favorable nutrient medium, can develop and even fatally influences at human organism. A nutrient medium for colonization of saprophyte are the slime, selected with a gastroenteric path, and removed blocks of fulfilled the term of overage cells.

Conditional - pathogenic (opportunistic) microorganisms in usual conditions are normal inhabitants of a gastroenteric path, a skin, respiratory ways of the person, but their colonies are insignificant, as they can not develop forasmuch as for them there is no favorable nutrient medium. However under favorable conditions and at absence of the basic microorganisms (B. bifidus) they intensively can develop, causing pathological process, therefore they and refer to conditional - pathogenic. To similar microorganisms refer: haemolytic streptococcus, hymenium anaerobe, golden staphylococcus (S. aureus), mushrooms of sort Candida, Gramm-negative enterobacteria, Acinetobacter, Citrobacter. Conditional - pathogenic microorganisms can be found out in some children in norm in quantities no more than 100-1000. However if the quantity of the given microorganisms becomes more than 10.000 and they become dominant in thick intestine can formed the appropriate diseases .

What functions are carried out with normal and abnormal microflora of thick intestine in human organism?

The microflora of thick intestine carries out the diverse functions comparable to functions of the organism in human body. Microorganisms supplement process of digestion of food which the organism can not execute. Thus, evolutionally we have adapted microorganisms which develop in our organism, for digestion of food stuffs. Thus interesting symbiosis was established. We deliver for the microorganisms which are living in thick intestine, nutrients, but they, developing on this nutrient medium, bring to us, either advantage, or harm. If the normal microflora will carry out, so it will develop the following functions (see to tab. 1).

Table 1 of Function of normal microflora of thick intestine

Functions Display of function
1 Digestive The further hydrolysis of complex proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleinic acids branch from deleted blocks of become obsolete cells of vital substances (mannose, fucose etc.) formation motion weights regulation of a motility of a gastroenteric path
2 Immunological Synthesis of the substances necessary for the subsequent formation of immunoglobulins and nonspecific factors of protection suppression of development saprophyt and conditional - pathogenic microflora
3 Metabolic (synthesis by microbic cells of substances for the development) Synthesis of vitamins synthesis of hydrogen, metane, carbonic gas, spirit, a dairy acid participation in recirculation of bilious acids, steroids (cholesterol) synthesis of biologically active substances (flying fat acids, hormones, antibiotics)
4 Protective Antagonism in relation to pathogenic microorganisms antagonism in relation to worms detoxication external and internal metabolites creation of high oxidation-reduction potential

If we will formed the abnormal microflora in thick intestine, that it will carry out the following functions (tab. 2).

Table 2 of Function of abnormal microflora of thick intestine

Functions Display of function
1 Digestive Hydrolysis of complex proteins, fats, carbohydrates, nucleinic acids formation of motion weights regulation of a motility of a gastroenteric path
2 Immunological Development saprophyt and conditional - pathogenic microflora
3 Metabolic (synthesis by microbic cells of substances for the development) Synthesis of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, disulfides, indole, skatole participation in recirculation of bilious acids, steroids (cholesterol) synthesis of biologically active substances (mycotoxins, antibiotics, toxic substances)
4 Protective Creation of the alkaline environment

How is formed the microflora in thick intestine at the child?

At intra-uterine development the fetus is sterile, as it is protected by an environment, impenetrable for microorganisms. However after break fetus environments and at passage of patrimonial ways microorganisms start to be occupied in the beginning on the skin of the child, and further get and in a gastroenteric path. There are on the fetus the microorganisms, basically, that colonization in the vagina and on the skin of mother. Therefore formation of microflora of the newborn child is determined by the following factors:

1. Condition of microflora of intestine and vagina of mother;

2. Condition of microflora of a maternity room;

3. Condition of microflora of the skin and chest nipples;

4. Drug administration and, first of all, antibiotics;

5. Entered preparations of pure cultures of microorganisms.

Therefore at infringement of intestine biocinosis (formation of abnormal microflora), vaginas at mother naturally develops abnormal flora and at the child. Therefore before become of mother the women should strictly supervise microflora of the thick intestine so that then at the child it was not formed abnormal microflora. The most important that, first of all, B. bifidus have got in thick intestine of the child, and there (at the use of the female milk containing bifido-active oligosaccharides) occurs fast colonization of B. bifidus.

At artificial feeding by various dairy mixes even if to the child enter B. bifidus, microbic colonization of intestine as in many mixes that do not contain bifido-active oligosaccharides is broken, and it results in formation of abnormal microflora in which conditional - pathogenic microorganisms (fig. 1) prevail. Reception of bifido-active oligosaccharides as broths of groats, and also reception of donor chest milk stimulate growth of B. bifidus at the child.

Figure 1. Distinctions in structure of intestinal flora at the child depending on a kind of feeding.

Condition of microflora in the environment.

It is revealed, that if the child is in a maternity home more than 5 day, and to him those or other drugs are appointed, the normal microflora is naturally superseded by conditional - pathogenic microorganisms. Besides in his organism pathogenic microorganisms can get both conditional - pathogenic. In this case it is necessary to normalize normal microflora of thick intestine after reception of medical drugs by reception of the preparations containing B. bifidus.

What causes formation of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

Conditions at which it is formed abnormal microflora in thick intestine, various enough (tab. 2). The factors promoting development abnormal microflora in thick intestine, it is possible to divide into two groups: decrease or absence of the nutrients necessary for development of normal microflora, or in a gastroenteric path are formed "not comfortable" conditions for existence of normal microflora. As we see, these conditions are characterized, first of all, by a kind of the human nutrition or presence at thick intestine of the substances overwhelming development of normal microflora.

Table 3. The reasons of formation abnormal intestine microflora
Kinds of the nutrition Influences on microorganisms
High-proteins; High-fats; High-carbohydrate without bifido-active oligosaccharides Medicinal; Alimentary; Functional Nutrient medium for microorganisms

Kinds of the nutrition Influences on microorganisms

High-proteins nutrition containing in small amounts a carbohydrate part from glycoprotein, at digestion in intestine to begin results in an overload of intestine and synthesis in large amount of a hydrochloric acid. As a result of hydrolysis of consumed protein in the beginning by hydrochloric acid, and in a duodenal gut by alkaline, the most part of protein molecules collapses up to free amino acids which further in thin intestine are soaked up. In thick intestine the protein practically do not get, behind exception of very big overloads by proteins that results in incomplete digestion and formation of diarrhea. Remains only the oligosaccharide part of cellular protein (in meat, a fish) which reach thick intestine. However it is not enough this carbohydrates for plentiful colonization of B. bifidus. In result starts to be formed initial abnormal microflora which in further can be easily eliminated due to reception of the preparations containing B. bifidus.

Protein of the cow milk practically do not contain the oligosaccharides part as in milk there are no cellular structures. In result for B. bifidus there is no favorable nutrient medium. Forasmuch as in cow milk and dairy products contains not bifido-active oligosaccharides, as B. bacteria can't colonization in thick intestine. And as in thick intestine there is a slime getting from other departments of intestine other kinds of microorganisms start to be colonized, that results in formation deep abnormal microflora.

High-fats nutrition consists in the use in plenties of confectionery products (chocolate and chocolate products), a butter, high-fats cream and sour creams, ice cream etc. Basic part on digestion such substances come on a duodenal gut and a liver that synthesizing bilious acids, necessary for saponification of fats. The most part of fats is hydrolized on fat acids and glycerin and are soaked up. Forasmuch as neither B. bifidus, nor lactobacillus do not eat of fats at their come in thick intestine as fungoid microorganisms start to develop.

High-carbohydrate nutrition without bifido-active oligosaccharides (the products containing only starch or saccharose etc.) results to that B. bifidus do not develop, and other microorganisms, and, first of all, yeast start to be colonized, causing occurrence of plenties of carbonic gas and a swelling stomach. In the person begins belly in a stomach. It also results in formation abnormal microflora.

Influences on useful microflora

Medicinal abnormal microflora is formed, first of all, due to reception of antibacterial drugs to which B. bifidus are very sensitive. One antibiotics (ampicillin carbenicillin, aminoglycozides, tetracycline, levomizitin, lincomizin) cause significant infringements of structure of normal microflora, while others operate selectively. Thus antibiotics influence microflora of intestine as at parenteral introduction (intramuscular, intravenous) as at perorally. However introduction antibacterial drugs by parenteral to results in more expressed changes in structure of microflora, in comparison with peroral (through a mouth).

Except for antibiotics in development of abnormal microflora results also assignment of some other medical products breaking a motility of the gastroenteric path, regeneration of ephitelium or formation of slime. To them concern narcological, emetic, enveloping, laxative, expectorant, cholagogue means, absorbents, psychotropic drugs (derivatives of phenothiazine ), salts of heavy metals, antihistaminic and not steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, cytostatics, hormonal contraceptives.

In formation of abnormal microflora results also washing of a stomach with the help of clyster: tea of grasses, mineral waters. It also can be attributed to medicinal abnormal flora.

Alimentary abnormal microflora arises at the use of nonconventional food to which the organism has not got used yet, or at not physiological forms of nutrition (for example, long parenteral nutrition, drop introduction of glucose, starvation, the use of dyes and preservatives, antioxidants, antioxidizers and others). Thus it can be generated toxic abnormal microflora which cause toxins, that come in the stomach from an environment, xenobiotics (household and industrial contaminants).

Functional abnormal microflora arises owing to infringement of secretion of a hydrochloric acid in a stomach, insufficiency exocrine functions of a pancreas, a liver, a dyskinesia of intestines that results in incomplete digestion the nutrients contained in food. In result in thick intestine come the rests of food, and plenties of carbohydrates, protein and fats. It is marked at patients with gastritises, a pancreatitis, a syndrome of the angry intestines, also develops at infringements of digestion , a diarrhea, a syndrome broken intestinal absorption (maltabcorption ).

How to diagnose of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

Abnormal microflora in thick intestine, depending on its stage, it is easily diagnosed as on the basis of bacteriological research or crop of motion, but on products of the microorganisms metabolism. For realization of bacteriological research of motion on biocenosis a fence of excrements make in sterile utensils and the sterile tool. Term of delivery of a material in laboratory from the moment of its fence - no more than 2 hours.

But each week you will not hand over motion for bacteriological research. Therefore there are less authentic, but more operative quality monitoring of abnormal microflora. This definition of the gas structure selected from thick intestine, and also products of the microorganisms metabolism, secreted with suint.

As we have revealed already earlier, at formation of abnormal microflora in thick intestine instead of processes of fermentation of sugars with formation of the carbonic gas which is not having a smell, putrefactive processes with formation of hydrogen sulphide, mercaptans, disulfide, indole, skatole and etc. the substances, having a unpleasant smell start to proceed. Therefore, as soon as from thick intestine start to be formated unpleasant smell and begin to smell such as rotten eggs it specifies that in thick intestine of your organism putrefactive processes on decomposition of proteins start to proceed and it starts to be formed of abnormal intestine microflora. Than more intensively these unpleasant smells, than especially deep abnormal microflora at you it is formed.

Products of rotting also are soaked up in blood and to get in the liver. As the liver can not synthesize nutrients from products of rotting they are deduced with suint, and, first of all, in an axillary part, and also in sweat glands on legs in the field of fingers. The unpleasant smell at socks, wearing shoes, in an axillary part, at wearing clothes starts to appear. Therefore it is necessary to not blocade this unpleasant smell of sweat with the help of deodorants, often change of linen or socks and footwear but to remove the reason of formation of these rotting products in your organism by normalization of abnormal flora in thick intestine. And then the smell of healthy your body to you will bring pleasant sensations, instead of problems in your life.

What criteria of abnormal microflora come to light by results of the analysis of motion?

The basic microbiological criteria of abnormal microflora in intestine in RUSSIA are the following:

Decrease of quantity B. bifidus less than 100.000.000 colonic units (CU)/g in excrements (at children till 3 years less than;

Decrease of quantity lactobacillus less than 1.000.000 CU/g (at children till 3 years less than 10.000.000);

Decrease of total of E. coli and E. coli with normal fermentation properties less than 1.000.000 CU/g;

Occurrence of E. coli with the changed properties (lactose-negative, with changed fermentation properties) in quantity more than 10 % from their general number;

Detection of enterococcus in quantity more than 1.000.000 CU/g (at children about 6 months - more than 100.000.000);

Occurrence hemolitic microflorae (E. coli, Staphylococcus); detection conditional - pathogenic Gram-negative sticks of sort Klebsiella, Proteus, Citrobacter, Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter;

Detection of mushrooms of sort Candida more than 100 CU/g; detection golden Staphylococcus;

Detection of epidermic Staphylococcus more than 100.000 CU/g (at children till 3 years - more than 1.000.000);

Detection of Clostridium more than 100.000 CU/g (at children till 3 years - more than 1.000).

Stages of abnormal intestine flora that are more expressed, than the greater number of kinds of microorganisms is found out and in the greater degree is changed quantitative ratio (deficiency of representatives of normal microflora, superfluous growth saprophyte and conditional - pathogenic microorganisms).

What diseases are connected with abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

In opinion of the majority of researchers and to our opinion, the abnormal microflora in thick intestine is not disease, but a microbiological condition in thick intestine. As the microorganisms living in thick intestine are independent organisms and their ratio is not connected to changes in cells of the person that is not disease of the human organism. At the same time, initial of abnormal microflora represents itself as the initial stage of formation of many diseases of the person. Deep the abnormal microflora promotes course of many pathological processes and can have own clinical displays. One of such displays is purulent appendicitis.

At develop of abnormal microflora in thick intestine the conditional - pathogenic microflora plentifully starts to be colonized, that results in pollution of human organism the metabolites of their abilities to live. In result of absorption of the products metabolism of putrefactive microflora in human organism the following diseases can develop.

I. Foodborn diseases

A foodborne illness is a disease that is transmitted to humans by food that contain not bifido-active oligosaccharides.

The U.S. Public Health Service classifies moist, high-protein, and/or low acid foods as potentially hazardous. High protein foods consist, in whole or in part, of milk or milk products, shell eggs, meats, poultry, fish, shellfish, edible crustacea (shrimp, lobster, crab). Baked or boiled potatoes, tofu and other soy protein foods, plant foods that have been heat-treated, and raw seed sprouts (such as alfalfa or bean sprouts) also pose a hazard. These foods can not support the live of the B. bifidus, but can support rapid growth of infectious or disease-causing microorganisms.

Diarrhea , locks, a syndrome of maltadsorbtion, meteorism, gastritises, a stomach ulcer of a stomach and a duodenal gut, enteritis, colitis, illness the Crone, a syndrome of the angry intestines malignant tumours of a stomach, a thick gut, a cholecystitis, bilious - stone illness, a pancreatitis and others illnesses have in the capacity of first reason the formation of abnormal intestine microflora.

II. Pyoinflammatory diseases (endo-and superinfections)

Local forms of a purulent surgical infection (furuncules, abscesses, a phlegmon, a mastitis, osteomyelitis etc.), an vulterary infection, generality inflammatory reactions, a pyelonephritis and a uric infection, urolithic illness, bacterial vaginosis, the chronic infections caused by activators, transmitted in the sexual way and others illnesses have of secondary reason the formation of abnormal intestine microflora.

III. Immunopathological and allergic diseases

There are secondary immunodeficiency (often common cold diseases etc.), atopic dermatitis and others allergodermatosis gastrointestinal and food allergy, an allergic rhinitis, a bronchial asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and other illnesses of joints and a connecting fabric at that have of secondary reason the formation of abnormal intestine microflora.

IV. The illnesses connected to infringement of a metabolism

Infringements of a menstrual cycle, chronic intra-uterine hypoxia a fruit, a cerebral ischemia newborn, scarce conditions (an anemia, a rickets, deficiency of a feed etc.), an atherosclerosis, urolithic illness, a gout, a hepatites and depressions also have of secondary reason the formation of abnormal intestine microflora.

How abnormal thick intestine it is connected to an allergy?

At 77-100 % of patients with atopic dermatitis, hives, a bronchial asthma comes to light of abnormal microflora in thick intestine. Thus most frequently, alongside with deficiency B. bifidus and lactobacillus, at these patients superfluous growth golden staphylococcus and mushrooms of sort Candida is determined. To these microorganisms, in superfluous quantity taking place and on the skin, at patients with allergic diseases the increased sensitivity (a bacterial or fungoid allergy accordingly) develops.

In researches of foreign authors also it was shown, that in the countries with low prevalence of allergic diseases (for example, in Estonia) the spectrum of intestinal bacteria rather differs from those in the countries with higher prevalence of an allergy (for example, in Sweden). Assignment newborn B. bifidus resulted in decrease of frequency atopic dermatitis at them twice, in comparison with not receiving of B. bifidus. Numerous supervision prove positive influence of correction of abnormal intestines on current of allergic diseases, it is one of the important directions of normalization of microflora of thick intestine at children. Therefore in many maternity hospitals at occurrence in the child abnormal intestine microflora to him at once give by peroral the preparations containing of B. bifidus.

How abnormal thick intestine it is connected with abnormal vagina (bacterial vagina)?

Bacterial vagina consider as the general infectious not inflammatory syndrome connected with abnormal microflora of the vagina, accompanying with excessively high concentration anaerobic and conditional - pathogenic microorganisms. At conditions abnormal thick intestine is possible transition of conditional - pathogenic microorganisms to skin of perineum, and further in urinogenital bodies where they cause infectious-inflammatory diseases and bacterial vagina. In the same way is represented participation of conditional - pathogenic microorganisms in development of other infectious-inflammatory and purulent diseases.

How can be carried out elimination of abnormal microflora in thick intestine?

Correction of abnormal microflora in thick intestine can be carried out in one, two or three stages depending on a stage of its development.

At the first stage, at initial stages of development of abnormal microflora, the correction can be carried out by nutrition that contain the bifido-active oligosaccharides. It results in the amplified colonization of B. bifidus and thus to restoration of normal microflora in thick intestine.

Generated abnormal microflora it is eliminated in two stages. At the first stage the correction can be carried out by nutrition that contain the bifido-active oligosaccharides. At the second stage are entered the preparations containing B. bifidus in quantity of 1-5 dozes of 1-4 times per month at presence of an appendix. If at you the appendix is already removed, then preparations of B. bifidus it is necessary to accept 2 times per one week and is not more often.

In the instruction on application B. bifidus specify, that it is necessary to accept 3 times per day during 3 weeks, and then it is necessary to forget about the use B. bifidus. From the microbiological point of view this absurdity. As under such circumstances reception for the second - third day of reception B. bifidus arises high dosage and locks and other infringements start to arise. Therefore it is once again repeated, that it is necessary to accept preparations of B. bifidus only 1-4 times per one month. It is patented by me in Russia.

Deep abnormal microflora it is eliminated in three stages. In the beginning you carry out destruction conditional - pathogenic, saprophyte microorganisms which contents is increased. For this purpose instead of antibiotics or bacteriophage peroral accept propolis which selectively destroys conditional - pathogenic microflora and does not influence on normal.

At the second stage normalize the nutrition entered of the bifido-active oligosaccharides and at the third stage accept the preparations containing B. bifidus.

The preparations containing B. bifidus you carry out for settling of intestine by representatives of normal microflora for 30 minutes prior to meal. As on the B. bifidus the hydrochloric acid of a stomach fatally can influence, we recommend to enter B. bifidus into fat-containing products (oil creams for pies) which capsulation them and bifidobacteria easily pass through a stomach.

Preparations on the basis of these microorganisms have received the name . Microorganisms in Russia can be as in alive (Euflorins, Biovestin, Biovestin-lacto), but in the dry form (Bifidobacterin, Bifiliz, Bifilong, Bifiform - from B. bifidus; Lactobacterin, Acipol, Acilact - from lfctobacillus, the mixed preparations - Linex, Floradophylus).

It is better to apply preparations in the dry kind, received by sublimational drying. They bear the muriatic environment of a stomach better and perish less, than active alive microorganisms. Preparations of B. bifidus should be received on the hepatic bouillon, instead of on a lactose. As strain of B. bifidus, which colonisation in thick intestine, do not acquire lactose, glucose and galactose, and very well develop on mannane, contained in cells of a liver. The same strain microorganisms which acquire lactose, badly are colonized and develop in thick intestine.

Alongside with probiotic, use of prebiotic, the products of a functional meal containing substances, improving colonization the normal microflora, creating for it "comfortable conditions". To prebiotic carry such preparations as Hilac-forte, Dufulac, or Lactulose. Also prebiotic properties have some mixes (for example, Semper-bifidus). Besides at infringements of digestion fermental preparations are appointed. However all these additives are insignificant and very ineffective for elimination deep abnormal. A basis of the feed for the microorganisms should make bifido-active oligosaccharides of food which get in thick intestine in plenties 100-150 g in days.

What to do, that abnormal intestine microflora at the child was not?

Preventive maintenance abnormal microflora begins up various stages. Future mum should normalize microflora of thick intestine one of the above-stated ways.

Mum should not include in the diet milk and sour-milk products, but only enriched bifido-active oligosaccharides food cellular. To feed the child as it is possible longer the female milk containing bifido-active oligosaccharides.

Once a week to give the child the preparations containing of B. bifidus. At artificial feeding to use for preventive maintenance abnormal mixes and the products of a children's feed enriched by oligosaccharides - prebiological (for example, the Malutka, the Malish and other domestic mixes approached to the nutrition of children of Russia).

For children is more senior than 1 year it is recommended to include in the diet products with the big contents of bifido-active polysaccharides (bran, breakfast food), cells structure (a berry and fruit), once a month to accept broth from a liquorice and to not use milk and sour-milk products not enriched bifido-active oligosaccharides. To not use for elimination of abnormal microflora the various dairy products promoted on TV enriched to B. bifidus, as the doze of useful bifidus bacteria in these products (Biokefir, Bifidoc) which contain very small also they are in a dejectedness as on the cow milk strain of B. bifidus necessary to our organism do not develop.

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