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Human genome, postulates
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Eight postulates of functioning genome the highest eukaryotic organisms

Every day becomes more and more publications on human genome. It became especially popular after the statements of the President the USA Clinton, and now, after the announcement of promotion on the Nobel Prize of the scientists engaged at genome, especially. However actually all these populist statements are very far from a true science. It is connected by that researches in this area came into impasse for the lack of theoretical bases in this area. Many postulates of genetics are thrown out. Absence of basic laws of functioning human genetics results in formation primitive, sometimes conducted in impasse, theories. The genetic science is given various the charlatan, earning on it huge money. Genetic therapy about which so much spoke earlier, has resulted the science in impasse. The same can expect and this direction if not will be generated the precise and fundamental theory in this area .

I, professor I.P.Chepurnoy, on the basis of knowledge of management of biochemical processes in human organism develop postulates of functioning as human genome, and other the highest eukaryotic organisms. This new theory of functioning of genetics of the highest organisms allows to explain all available knowledge of mankind in this area. Besides it allows to predict directions of the further researches in this area and to expect the future results.

I offer you the postulates of the theory of genome functioning and brief explanations of each postulate. At studying these postulates you will see, that existing concepts concerning of human genome functioning are only the first point of my theory.

I shall be very glad to receive from you your remarks and offers under this theory. It becomes from it only better.

POSTULATES of the THEORY of GENETICS functioning the highest eukariotic ORGANISMS

1. The life of the higher eukaryotic organisms develops on the certain stages according to the genetic program incorporated in their chromosomal complement (gene).

In a chromosomal complement of each highest eukaryotic organism is incorporated the program of its functioning starting{beginning} from a point of formation of chromosomal pair to its death. For example, in the human chromosomal complement is incorporated the program of his functioning from the beginning of fertilising and to death . Thus in genome each person is incorporated the program of functioning the organism at all stages of his development, since intra-uterine development, through infancy, the childhood, the teenage period, the puberal period, mature and advanced up to senile. According to this program, the person cannot proceed from infancy to puberal, and then again will return to teenage.

2. The genetic program of development of the highest eukariotic organisms is coded as a complex polyphosphatribose or polyphosphatdeoxyribose (RNA, DNA) with nitrogen-containing cyclic connections which is supervised and managed a carbohydrate complex of type glycoproteins and-or glycolipids.

The genetic program of development of an alive organism is incorporated in the nucleotide circuits consisting of sugar (ribose, deoxyribose, arabinose and some other), a phosphoric acid and a set nitrogen-containing cyclic connections (gyanine, adenine, thymine, cytosine, uracil). Any peptides, proteins in this circuit are not present and thus, the genetic program of functioning of the organism has no proteins structure. Yes, in the genetic program it is coded amino acid sequence of synthesis of those or other proteins structures in the highest eukariotic organisms, but in the same place are coded and fatty acids structure of the human lipides, and the carbohydrate sequence of receptors, and synthesis of all other components of a human body.

3. Between the biochemical and energy processes proceeding in the developing organism and the genetic program of this development there is a dynamic balance, both in norm, and at pathologies.

The genetic program of functioning of the organism constantly corrects synthesis of those or other components and cells of an alive organism so that their parameters fully complied the genome the given organism and in him acquired biochemical processes proceeded. For example, in an organism of one person are synthesized cells of hair of red color, and at another - black. And red will darken, only at change of the genetic program of synthesis of cells.

4. The genetic program of development of the highest eukaryotic organisms can change under influence of an environment and the broken biochemical processes with fastening these infringements as an phenotypical attribute.

Any alive organism adapts to those conditions of a life which surround it with the subsequent transfer of this fitness to the posterity. This fitness is fixed in the beginning as the phenotypical attribute. Otherwise, each time to new generation would be necessary to adapt to new conditions of a life anew. For example, the person, got used to use in plenties proteins food and synthesizing for its mastering in plenties a hydrochloric acid in a stomach, fixes the raised{increased} synthesis of a hydrochloric acid by cells of the stomach as the phenotypical attribute at transition from teenage age in puberal condition.

5. After the discontinuance of influence or restoration of biochemical processes the phenotypical attribute at the following stage of development can be eliminated.

At transition of the person, got used to use in plenties proteins food, to a normal nutrition and synthesis of a hydrochloric acid in optimum quantities, at the following transition from puberal conditions in mature age the phenotypical attribute of the raised{increased} synthesis of a hydrochloric acid will disappear.

6. Long external influences or biochemical infringements in the organism result in formation of set phenotypical attributes which result in disorganization of function of management by the genetic program of development.

At long infringement of biochemical processes, for example a carbohydrate exchange, in the beginning are formed phenotypical attributes, characteristic for adiposity, then adiposity passes in insulin-independent diabetes mellitus, in this time are in parallel formed microangiopathy, cardiovascular diseases, cancer cells and so on down to death .

7. It is impossible to stop, block the genetic program of development of an organism. It can be slowed down, sped up, reoriented only.

As the genetic program of development is in constant dynamic balance any blocking of this condition will naturally lead to to blocking of functioning and all organism. That is why the first results of the genetic therapy based on blocking of synthesis of immune bodies, has led at once to to a fatal case. There are cases when the organism, under influence of reception of strong preparations, can skip through one age period. For example, I observed the young man which in 8 years looked young men 12-13 age. It is possible to slow down approach of an old age, it is possible to reorient and force to read out on a point of age transition from a genetic chain in the opposite direction, and thus from an old age to go by a youth, but to stop or block genetic process it is impossible.

8. In one organism cannot function long time cells or bodies (a part of a body) which are at various stages of the genetic program of development .

During processes of transition of the organism of one age condition in another in it cells or separate bodies taking place in the different age conditions following one after another can function some time. However, for example, in the organism cannot function the cells which are taking place in the puberal condition with cells, taking place in a stage of intra-uterine development. Attempts to replace a beta-cell of a pancreas embryonal developments by a sick diabetes in anything have not resulted. However still to us Englishmen promise to replace embryonal cells after their cloning in the organisms which are taking place in puberal and more advanced age. Thus for this study put huge money, and result naturally will receive negative. Precisely also negative results turn out at change of young bodies for elderly, healthy bodies - for the patient.

Site of Ivan P. Chepurnoy

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